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September 21, 2017
Top Takeaways from the 2016 AHIMA Convention
Posted By Mary Butler on Nov 1, 2016 Attending the 2016 AHIMA Annual Convention and Exhibit in Baltimore, MD had its pros and cons. The pros: unbeatable networking opportunities and the chance to hear astronaut Captain Mark Kelly and former US Congresswoman Gabby Giffords deliver their inspiring message. The cons: jetlag and responding to the…

September 21, 2017
Utah Nurse in Viral Video Complies with HIPAA Policies, Faces Arrest
Posted By Mary Butler on Sep 15, 2017 A furor arose last week when a video was released that showed a Utah nurse was roughly hauled out of her hospital’s burn unit by a police detective for refusing—legally—to let the officer draw the blood of an unconscious patient on July 26. The nurse was complying…

September 21, 2017
Convention Q&A: How Should HIM Respond After a Shooting Incident? Sally E. Lucci Found Out First-Hand
Posted By AHIMA Staff on Sep 20, 2017 Sally E. Lucci, MS, RHIA, CCA In 2015, researchers at Brown University reported that gun violence in hospitals, while not exactly common, has risen in terms of the number of incidents over the past decade. From coast to coast, between 2000 and 2015, the following regions of…

September 21, 2017
Information Vulnerabilities: Technical Failures and Lack of IG May Cause Loss of Medical Records
Posted By AHIMA Staff on Sep 21, 2017 Keep up with the latest on information governance as this key strategy emerges for addressing a myriad of information management challenges in healthcare. This blog will highlight the trends and opportunities IG presents for ensuring information is treated as an organizational asset. By Lori L. Richter, MA,…

September 21, 2017
Slideshow: Release of Information vs. “The Experts”
Posted By Mary Butler on Sep 1, 2017 It’s a common perception among doctors and nurses that they are the worst patients when the tables have turned and they find themselves needing care. When you dig a little deeper to find out why this might be the case, a common thread starts to emerge—the feeling…

September 21, 2017
ICD-10-CM/PCS: Two Years and Counting
By Angie Comfort, RHIA, CDIP, CCS, CCS-P The arrival of October 1, 2015 was met with anxiety, alarm, and even terror by many as the healthcare industry braced for what some called “another Y2K-like event”—the ICD-10-CM/PCS implementation. Fast-forward to September 2017, where we have been living in the post-ICD-10 world for almost two years. While…

September 21, 2017
MIPS APMs and How They May Impact Your MACRA Strategy
By Susan R. Bradshaw, MS, MBA, RHIA; Donald G. Krause, MBA, CPA; and Michael Marron-Stearns, MD, CPC, CFPC The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) has created significant and complex changes to Part B Medicare reimbursement. As a result of MACRA, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) created the Quality…